this weekend, taking advantage of participation in a Study Day on Edicions de Ponent at l'Universite Blaise Pascal in Clermont Ferrand (where accompanied Paco Camarasa ( editor), Antonio Altarriba (writer and brand new National Award for The Art of Fly), Enrique Flores (Illustrator), BenoƮt Mitaine and Viviane Alary), I stop in Paris to promote the appearance on Friday, 18 Les Racines du Chaos and premiere new work by signing our Felipe H Cava.
The site chosen was the chain of bookstores Album. With my own pencils and nerves all spent our first book release, and although I am not much given to it, I took photo, a souvenir, the window where the album appeared highlighted as "coup de coeur" of the library.
raining in Paris and there was not much time to celebrate. When I realized I was already ready for Orly shipped back to Mallorca.

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